Linux iSCSI Initiator Commands

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A Stub page that i will clean up later, dedicated to the client side of iSCSI set up in linux.

iSCSI commands

stuff i documented while i was figuring out iscsi

on the client, start the iscsi daemon
/etc/init.d/iscsid start
discover the iscsi targets
iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p
log into the target
iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2010-04.local.dfwlp:storage.zeus.iscsi_tcp -p -l
the device now shows up as a /dev/sd[x]. format it to your hearts content.
make sure iscsid starts automatically
chkconfig iscsid on

later, logging out:
iscsiadm -m node -p --logout
iscsiadm -m discoverydb -t sendtargets -p -o delete